• Determinants of blood oxygenation during pregnancy in Andean and Europeas residents of high altitude 

      Vargas, Marco; Vargas, Enrique; Julian, Colleen Glyde; Armaza, J Fernando; Rodríguez, Armando; Téllez, Wilma; Niermeyer, Susan; Wilson, Megan; Parra, Esteban; Shriver, Mark; Moore, Lorna G (Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2007-07-02)
      High altitude decreases birth weight, but this effect is diminished in long vs. short-resident, high-altitude populations. We asked whether women from long vs. short-resident, high-altitude populations had higher arterial ...
    • Development of a panel of genome-wide ancestry informative markers to study admixture throughout the Americas 

      Galanter, Joshua Mark; Fernández-López, Juan Carlos; Gignoux, Christopher R.; Barnholtz-Sloan, Jill; Fernández-Rozadilla, Ceres; Via, Marc; Hidalgo-Miranda, Alfredo; Contreras, Alejandra V; Uribe Figueroa, Laura; Raska, Paola; Jiménez-Sánchez, Gerardo; Silva Zolezzi, Irma; Torres, María; Ruiz Ponte, Clara; Ruiz, Yarimar; Salas, Antonio; Nguyen, Elizabeth; Eng, Celeste; Borjas, Lisbeth; Zabala, William; Barreto, Guillermo; Rondón González, Fernando; Ibarra, Adriana; Taboada, Patricia; Porras, Liliana; Moreno, Fabián; Bigham, Abigail; Gutiérrez, Gerardo; Brutsaert, Tom; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Moore, Lorna G; Vargas, Enrique; Cruz, Miguel; Escobedo, Jorge; Rodríguez-Santana, José; Rodríguez-Cintrón, William; Chapela, Rocio; Ford, Jean G; Bustamante, Carlos; Seminara, Daniela; Shriver, Mark; Ziv, Elad; Gonzalez Burchard, Esteban; Haile, Robert; Parra, Esteban; Carracedo, Ángel (PLOS Genetics, 2012-03-08)
      Abstract. Most individuals throughout the Americas are admixed descendants of Native American, European, and African ancestors. Complex historical factors have resulted in varying proportions of ancestral contributions ...
    • European genetic admixture predicts decrement in aerobic performance at 4338 meters in peruvian quechua 

      Brutsaert, Tom; Parra, Esteban; Shriver, Mark; Gamboa, Alfredo; Palacios, José-Antonio; Rivera, María; Rodríguez, Ivette; León-Velarde, Fabiola (High Altitude Medicine & Biology, 2003-02-19)
      Quechua natives of the highland Andes may be genetically adapted to high altitude and thus able to resist decrements in maximal O2 consumption in hypoxia (DVO2max). This evolutionary hypothesis was tested via the repeated ...
    • Greater uterine artery blood flow during pregnancy in multigenerational (Andean) than shorter-term (European) high-altitude residents 

      Wilson, Megan J; López, Miriam; Vargas, Marco; Julian, Colleen Glyde; Téllez, Wilma; Rodríguez, Armando; Bigham, Abigail; Armaza, J Fernando; Niermeyer, Susan; Shriver, Mark; Vargas, Enrique; Moore, Lorna G (Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 2007)
      Multigenerational (Andean) compared with shorter-term (European) high-altitude residents exhibit less hypoxia-associated reductions in birth weight. Because differences in arterial O2 content are not responsible, we ...