• Andean and Tibetan patterns of adaptation to high altitude 

      Bigham, Abigail W; Wilson, Megan J; Julian, Colleen Glyde; Kiyamu, Melisa; Vargas, Enrique; León-Velarde, Fabiola; Rivera-Chira, María; Rodríguez, Carmelo; Browne, Vaughn A.; Parra, Esteban; Brutsaert, Tom D; Moore, Lorna G; Shriver, Mark D (American Journal of Human Biology, 2013-01-24)
      Objectives: High-altitude hypoxia, or decreased oxygen levels caused by low barometric pressure, challenges the ability of humans to live and reproduce. Despite these challenges, human populations have lived on the Andean ...
    • Do anti-angiogenic or angiogenic factors contribute to the protection of birth weight at high altitude afforded by andean ancestry? 

      Dávila, R Daniela; Julian, Colleen Glyde; Wilson, Megan J; Browne, Vaughn A.; Rodríguez, Carmelo; Bigham, Abigail W; Shriver, Mark D; Vargas, Enrique; Moore, Lorna G (Reprod Sci., 2010-09)
      Abstract. Objective: This prospective study was designed to determine whether variation in angiogenic (placental growth factor [PlGF]) and/or anti-angiogenic (soluble fms-like tyrosine kinase [sFlt-1]) factors contribute ...
    • Inhibition of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ɣ : a potential link between chronic maternal hypoxia and impaired fetal growth 

      Julian, Colleen Glyde; Yang, Ivana V; Browne, Vaughn A.; Vargas, Enrique; Rodríguez, Carmelo; Pedersen, Brent S; Moore, Lorna G; Schwartz, David A (FASEB Journal, 2014)
      Abstract. Chronic exposure to hypoxia raises the risk of pregnancy disorders characterized by maternal vascular dysfunction and diminished fetal growth. In an effort to identify novel pathways for these hypoxiarelated ...
    • Maternal PRKAA1 and EDNRA genotypes are associated with birth weight, and PRKAA1 with uterine artery diameter and metabolic homeostasis at high altitude 

      Bigham, Abigail W; Julian, Colleen Glyde; Wilson, Megan J; Vargas, Enrique; Browne, Vaughn A.; Shriver, Mark D; Moore, Lorna G (Physiol Genomics, 2014-07-14)
      Low birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) increase the risk of mortality and morbidity during the perinatal period as well as in adulthood. Environmental and genetic factors contribute to IUGR, but the ...
    • Potential role for elevated maternal enzymatic antioxidant status in Andean protection against altitude-associated SGA 

      Julian, Colleen Glyde; Vargas, Enrique; Browne, Vaughn A.; Wilson, Megan J; Bigham, Abigail W; Rodríguez, Carmelo; McCord, Joe M; Moore, Lorna G (The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 2012)
      Oxidative stress has been implicated in the uteroplacental ischemia characteristic of preeclampsia and small-for-gestational-age (SGA) birth, both of which are more common at high (>2500 m) vs low altitude. Since Andeans ...
    • Role of cytokines in altitude-associated preeclampsia 

      Dávila, R Daniela; Julian, Colleen Glyde; Browne, Vaughn A.; Toledo-Jaldín, Lillian; Wilson, Megan J; Rodríguez, Armando; Vargas, Enrique; Moore, Lorna G (Pregnancy Hypertens, 2012-01)
      Abstract. Background: Preeclampsia (PE) is more common at high than low altitude and contributes to the altitude-related decline in birth weight. Since inflammatory markers are implicated in PE, we asked if such markers ...
    • Uterine artery blood flow, fetal hypoxia and fetal growth 

      Browne, Vaughn A.; Julian, Colleen G.; Toledo-Jaldín, Lilian; Cioffi-Ragan, Darleen; Vargas, Enrique; Moore, Lorna G (Philosophycal Transactions B, 2015-03-13)
      Evolutionary trade-offs required for bipedalism and brain expansion influence the pregnancy rise in uterine artery (UtA) blood flow and, in turn, reproductive success. We consider the importance of UtA blood flow by ...