Browsing Producción científica by Author "Le Pont, F"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
A new focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to Leishmania amazonensis in a Sub Andean region of Bolivia
Martínez, E; Le Pont, F; Torrez, M; Tellería, J; Vargas, F; Muñoz, M; De Doncker, S; Dujardin, JC; Dujardin, JP (Acta Tropica, 1988)Abstract We detected a new outbreak focus with high incidence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Sub Andean region of La Paz. This area was never considered previously as an endemic zone of leishmaniasis. Leishmania stocks ... -
Addional data on Trypanosoma cruzi isozymic strains encountered in Bolivian domestic transmission cycles
Tibayrenc, M; Hoffmann, A; Poch, O; Echalar, L; Le Pont, F; Lemesre, JL; Desjeux, P (Transantions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1986)Abstract. We have collected in Bolivia 212 stocks of Trypanosoma cruzi from domestic transmission cycles and have assayed for nine enzyme systems (11 gene loci). Only a few different isozyme profiles exist, without ... -
Bolivian phlebotomines. II. Psychodopygus yucumensis n.sp., a new man-biting phlebotomine sandfly from subandean region (Diptera, Psychodidae)
Le Pont, F; Caillard, T; Tibayrenc, M; Desjeux, P (Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1986)Psychodopygus yucumensis n. sp., a new species of Phlebotomine sandfly belonging in genus Psychodopygus Mang., is described from specimens collected from human bait, in Beni dept., Bolivia. The male is ... -
Cryptic speciation in Lutzomyia (Nyssomyia) Trapidoi (Fairchild & Hertic) (Diptera: Psychodidae) detected by multilocus enzyme electrophoresis
Dujardin, JP; Le Pont, F; Cruz, M; Leon, R; Tarrieu, F; Guderian, R; Echeverria, R; Tibayrenc, M (Am. J. Trop Med. Hyg., 1996)Abstract Lutzomyia trapidoi is the major vector of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ecuador. In the framework of an epidemiologic study, female Lu. trapidoi sand flies were captured on human bait in La Tablada and Paraiso ... -
Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Bolivia. A study of 185 human cases from Alto Beni (La Paz Department). Isolation and isoenzyme characterization of 26 strains of Leismania brasiliensis brasiliensis
Desjeux, P; Mollinedo, S; Le Pont, F; Paredes, A; Ugarte, G (Transantions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1987)Abstract. A clinical, serological, parasitological and therapeutic study of cutaneous leishmaniasis was carried out in a low sub-andean area (250-800 metres) of the La Paz Department, Bolivia. A team of seismic prospectors ... -
Diagnosis by isozyme methods of two cryptic species, Psychodopygus carrerai and P. Yucumensis (Diptera: Psychodidae)
Caillard, T; Tibayrenc, M; Le Pont, F; Dujardin, JP; Desjeux, P; Ayala, FJ (J. Med. Entomol., 1986)Abstract. Eleven enzyme systems were used to compare 2 cryptic species previously treated as Psychodopygus carrerai. Two enzyme systems were each completely diagnostic. Three other loci gave evidence of reproductive ... -
Epidemiologie de la Leishmaniose tegumentaire en Bolivie. : 1 Description des zones d'etude et frequence de la maladie
Torres Espejo, JM; Le Pont, F; Mouchet, J; Desjeux, P; Richard, A (Ann. Soc. Belge Med. Trop., 1989)Résumé. Une étude épidémiologique sur la leishmaniose tégumentaire a été menée dans trois régions de Bolivie qui se succédent depuis les contreforts andins jusqu'á la plaine amazonienne: les Yungas, aux reliefs accusés, ... -
Epidemiologie de la Leismaniose tegumentaire en Bolivie : 2. Modalites de la transmission
Le Pont, F; Mouchet, J; Desjeux, P; Torres Espejo, JM; Richard, A (Ann. Soc. Belge Med. Trop., 1989)Résumé. La transmission de la leishmaniose tégumenta¡re due á Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis dépend á la fois de l'environnement et des act¡v¡tés humaines. Dans les zones cultivées des Yungas les habitants sont ... -
Epidemiología de la Leishmaniasis tegumentaria en Bolivia. 1. Descripción de zonas de estudio y frecuencia de la enfermedad
Torrez Espejo, JM; Le Pont, F; Mouchet, J; Richard, A; Desjeux, P (Papiro, 1990)Abstract An epidemiological survey of tegumentary leishmaniasis Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis was carried out in three regions of Bolivia in the Andean foothill and Amazonian forest. It was based on the record of ... -
Epidemiología de la Leishmaniasis tegumentaria en Bolivia. 2. Modalidades de la transmisión
Le Pont, F; Mouchet, J; Richard, A; Desjeux, P; Torrez Espejo, JM (Papiro, 1990)Abstract In Bolivia the transmission of tegumentary leishmaniasis due to Leishmania (V.) braziliensis depends both on environmental factors and human activities. In the Yungas, transmission takes place in the houses ... -
Isozymic and metric variation in the Lutzomyia longipalpis complex
Dujardin, Jean-Pierre; Torrez, EM; Le Pont, F; Hervas, D; Sossa, D (Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 1997)Abstract. Male Lutzomyia longipalpis of two types from Bolivia were compared using isozyme electrophoresis and wing morphometry. One sample (ex Chiflonkaka Cave, alt. 2800 m at Toro Toro, Charcas Province, Potosi Department) ... -
Las leishmania de Bolivia : II Leismania chagasi s.l., primeros aislamientos en los "Yungas" del departamento de La Paz, comparación isoenzimática de las cepas aisladas de un caso humano autóctono, de perros y del flebótomo Lutzomyia longipalpis
Desjeux, P; Le Pont, F; Mollinedo, S; Tibayrenc, M (Instituto Boliviano de Biología de la Altura, 1983)Resumen. Un foco de leishmaniasis visceral ha sido descubierto en los Yungas del Departamento de La Paz. El primer caso humano autóctono ha podido detectarse en 1982 en dicha zona. La infección cutánea y visceral del ... -
Las leishmania de Bolivia I : Leishmania braziliensis en los departamentos de La Paz y Beni. Primeros aislamientos de cepas humanas y su caracterización enzimática
Desjeux, P; Le Pont, F; Mollinedo, S; Tibayrenc, M (Instituto Boliviano de Biología de la Altura, 1983)Resumen. Los autores efectuaron el estudio clínico, serológico y parasitológico en pacientes procedentes de diferentes zonas donde existe leishmaniasis cutánea y cutáneo-mucosa humana de los Departamentos de La Paz y del ... -
Leishmaniasis Americana = American Leishmaniasis
Mollinedo, JS; Desjeux, P; Le Pont, F (Occupational Health and Hygiene Digest, 1985) -
Leishmaniasis en Bolivia : Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) Vector de Kala - azar en los Yungas
Le Pont, F; Desjeux, P (Instituto Boliviano de Biología de Altura, 1983)Summary. The epidemiological study of kala-azar in the "Yungas" focus shows that L. longipalpis, a predominant phlebotomine sandfly in peridomestic areas (96% of catches) is the main vector, Dissections of L. longipalpis ... -
Leishmaniasis in Bolivia. I. Lutzomyia longipalpis (Lutz & Neiva, 1912) as the vector of visceral leishmaniasis in los Yungas
Le Pont, F; Desjeux, P (Transantions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1985)Abstract. A relatively high leishmanial infection rate was found in the phlebotomine sandfly Lutzomyia longipalpis collected from three villages of the Los Yungas region (Department of La Paz, Bolivia). 2,578 ... -
Leishmaniasis in Bolivia. II. The involvement of Psychodopygus Yucumensis and Psychodopygus LLanosMartinsi in the selvatic transmission lowland subandean region
Le Pont, F; Desjeux, P (Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 1986)An epidemiological survey of the vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis ("espúndia" type) was carried out in the Alto Beni region of Bolivia, an area of Andean foothills at the Eastern limit of the Amazonian lowlands. The ... -
Leishmaniose tégumentaire et viscérale dans le département de La Paz, Bolivie : principales caractéristiques cliniques, épidémiologiques et thérapeutiques
Desjeux, P; Le Pont, F; Mollinedo, S (Colloques et Séminaires, 1986) -
Les Leishmania de Bolivie. I. Leishmania braziliensis Vianna, 1911 dans les départements de La Paz et du Béni : premiers isolements de souches d'origine humaine. Caractérisation enzymatique
Desjeux, P; Le Pont, F; Mollinedo, S; Tibayrenc, M (Colloque Intern., 1986)RÉSUMÉ. Les auteurs ont réalisé l'étude clinique, sérologique et parasitologique de patients provenant de différents foyers de leishmaniose cutanée et cutanéo-muqueuse humaine des départements de La Paz et du Béni. ... -
Les Leishmania de Bolivie. II. Leishmania chagasi Cunha et Chagas, 1937. Premiers isolements dans les "Yungas" du Département de La Paz. Comparaison isoenzymatique de souches de l'Homme, du Chien et du Phlébotome Lutzomyia longipalpis (Luts et Neiva, 1912)
Desjeux, P; Le Pont, F; Mollinedo, S; Tibayrenc, M (Colloque Intern., 1986)RÉSUMÉ. Un foyer de leishmaniose viscérale a été mis en évidence dans les Yungas du Département de La Paz. Le premier cas humain autochtone a pu étre diagnostiqué en 1982 dans cette région. L'infection cutanée et viscérale ...