Browsing Producción científica by Author "Dedet, JP"
Now showing items 1-20 of 20
Alteraciones de la biometría hemática en pacientes infectados por Leishmaniasis cutáneo - mucosa y tratados por anti-Leishmaniasicos
Quintela, A; Chavez, M de; Rodríguez, A; Strauss, C; Dimier-David, L; Vargas, F; Dedet, JP; Paredes, V; Valda Rodríguez, L; Dedet, JP (Cuadernos Hospital de Clínicas, 1992)El incremento dc la prevalencia de Ia leishmaniasis cutáneo-mucusa en zonas tropicales de nuestro país (1). Así como la resistencia terapeútica de esta forma de leishmaniasis, hacen que sea imprescindible la realización ... -
Antigenic specificity of the 72-kilodalton major surface glycoprotein of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis
Kutner, S; Pellerin, P; Brenière, SF; Desjeux, P; Dedet, JP (Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 1991)We examined the expression and the antigenicity of the major surface polypeptides of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis and Leishmania donovani chagasi, parasites which commonly coexist in the same endemic areas of ... -
Clinical healing of antimony - resistant cutaneous or mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis following the combined administration of IFN-g and pentavalent antimonials (Sb v)
Falcoff, E; Taranto, N; Remondegui, C; Dedet, JP; Canini, L; Ripoll, C; Dimier, L; Vargas, F; Gimenez, L; Bernabo, J; Bottasso, O (Acta Andina, 1993) -
Clinical healing of antimony-resistant cutaneous or mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis following the combined administration of interferon-γ and pentavalent antimonials compounds
Falcoff, E; Taranto, NJ; Remondegui, CE; Dedet, JP; Canini, LM; Ripoll, CM; Dimier-David, L; Vargas, F; Giménez, LA; Bernabó, JG; Bottasso, OA (Transactions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1994)Abstract. In an open trial, longer courses of pentavalent antimonials (Sbˇ) at sub-optimal doses (10 mg/kg body weight), in association with recombinant human interferon-γ (IFN-γ) (100 µg/m2 of body surface area) were ... -
Epidemiological aspects of human cutaneous leishmaniasis in French Guiana
Dedet, JP; Pradinaud, R; Gay, F (Transantions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1989)Abstract. A follow-up study of 219 patients infected with parasitologically confirmed cutancous leishmaniasis in French Guiana was made between 1981 and 1987. Cutaneous leishmaniasis appeared to be common in young male ... -
Évaluation du coût socio-économique de la leishmaniose cutanée en Guyane française
Dedet, JP; Pillot, B; Gentilini, M (Rev. Epidém. et Santé Publ., 1991)Le coût socio-économique de la leishmaniose en Guyane française a été évalué par une enquête rétrospective ayant porté sur une période d'une année: 1979-80. Les éléments de coût chiffrables pris en compte ont été les ... -
Histopathologie de la Leishmaniose cutanéo-muqueuse a Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis
Dimier-David, L; Ravisse, P; Bustillos, R; Rollano, F; Mallea, F; David, C; Lyèvre, P; Valda, L; Dedet, JP (Ann. Dermatol. Venereol., 1994)Résumé. Une étude histopathologique de la leishmaniose cutanéo-muqueuse à Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis est réalisée sur 28 biopsies cutanées et 114 biopsies muqueuses de patients d'origine bolivienne et péruvienne, ... -
Isoenzyme characterization of Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis isolates obtained from Bolivian and Peruvian patients
Revollo, S; Dimier-David, L; David, C; Lyevre, P; Camacho, C; Dedet, JP (Transantions of The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1992)Abstract. Thirty-four Leishmania isolates obtained from Bolivian and Peruvian patients infected with mucocutaneous leishmaniasis were characterized_by isoenzyme electrophoresis using 10 enzymatic markers; all belonged to ... -
Matrix remodelling and fibroblast phenotype in early lesions of human cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Esterre, P; Dedet, JP; Guerret, S; Chevallier, M; Frenay, C; Grimaud, JA (Path. Res. Pract., 1991)SUMMARY. The connective matrix participates directly in early pathological events observed in the cutaneous lesion of leishmaniasis, due to Leishmania braziliensis guyanensis. A sample of 19 skin biopsies was examined ... -
Morphometrie alaire et caracterisation specifique des phlebotomes
Lebbe, J; Torrez, ME; Vignes, R; Dedet, JP (Parasitología, 1991)Abstract. We study the information included in sandfly wings in order to test this organ as a source for the specific discrimination. The cartesian coordinates of the vein intersections are collected using a microscope ... -
New electrophoretic evidence of genetic variation and diploidy in Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas' disease
Tibayrenc, M; Cariou, ML; Solignac, M; Dedet, JP; Poch, O; Desjeux, P (Genética, 1985)Abstract. By changing clcctrophoretic conditions additional genetic variability was observed in both previously and newly analysed enzymatic systemes in Trypanosoma cruzi . Inferences the quaternary structure of enzymes ... -
Nouveau cas autochtone de leishmaniose viscerale en Bolivie
Dimier-David, L; Inofuentes, A; Carrasco, M; David, C; Vargas, F; Revollo, S; Dedet, JP (Ann. Soc. Belge Med. Trop., 1991)Résumé. Un sixième cas autochtone de leishmaniose viscérale est rapporté de Bolivie. C'est également le 4e cas provenant des Yungas (Département de La Paz), ce qui confirme la permanence de ce foyer où ont également été ... -
Particularités épidémiologiquez, cliniques et biologigues de la Leishmaniose cutanéo-muqueuse en Bolivia d'après un échantillon de 221 malades
Dimier-David, L; David, C; Muñoz, M; Vargas, F; Bustillos, R; Valda, L; Dedet, JP (Bull. Soc. Path Ex., 1993)Résumé. Les auteurs présentent les aspects cliniques, biologiquez et épidémiologigues de la leishmaniose cutanéo-muqueuse, d’après un échantillon de 221 cas (136 leishmanioses cutanées et 85 leishmanioses muqueuses) observés ... -
Programa multinacional para la identificación asistida por computadora de los flebótomos de América. (Diptera: Psychodidae) grupo CIPA
Bermúdez, H; Dedet, JP; Falcao, AL; Feliciangeli, MD; Ferro, C; Galati, EAB; Gómez, EL; Herrero, MB; Hervas, D; Lebbe, J; Morales, A; Ogusuku, E; Pérez, E; Rangel, EF; Sherlock, I; Torrez, M; Vignes, R; Wolff, M (Acta Andina, 1993) -
Propositon of a standard description for phlebotomine sandflies
Bermudez, H; Dedet, JP; Falcao, AL; Feliciangeli, D; Ferreira Rangel, E; Ferro, C; Galati, EAB; Gómez, EL; Herrero, MV; Hervas, D; Lebbe, J; Morales, A; Ogusuku, E; Pérez, E; Sherlock, I; Torrez, M; Vignes, R; Wolff, M (Parassitologia, 1991)Abstract. In order to be comparable, and efficient, the descriptions need to be as complete as possible and realized according to the same parameters. In this respect, we present the standard description of Phlebotomine ... -
Propuesta de descripción : tipo para los flebótomos grupo CIPA
Bermúdez, H; Dedet, JP; Falcao, AL; Feliciangeli, MD; Ferro, C; Galati, EAB; Gómez, EL; Herrero, MB; Hervas, D; Lebbe, J; Morales, A; Ogusuku, E; Rangel, EF; Sherlock, I; Torrez, M; Vignes, R; Wolff, M (Acta Andina, 1993)Resumen. La descripción de los Flebótomos, algunos de los cuales son vectores de la Leishmaniasis, bartonelosis y virus precisa que ésta sea lo más completa posible y evaluando los mismos parámetros. Tal requerimiento ... -
Risk factors for onset of cutaneous and mucocutaneous Leishmaniasis in Bolivia
Alcais, A; Abel, L; David, C; Torrez, ME; Flandre, P; Dedet, JP (American Journal Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 1997)Abstract. A survival analysis was performed on data from an endemic area of Bolivia where two populations, natives and highland migrants, were living, to investigate risk factors for onset of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) ... -
Rural campaign to diagnose and treat mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in Bolivia
Dedet, JP; Melogno, R; Cárdenas, F; Valda, L; David, C; Fernández, V; Torrez, ME; Dimier-David, L; Lyevre, P; Villareal, ME (Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 1995)Abstract. Mucocutaneous leishmaniasis (MCL) is endemic in the tropical Amazonian lowlands of Bolivia, an area that regularly receives influxes of migratory populations. In these new agricultural development areas, a ... -
The 70-kDa heat-shock protein is a major antigenic determinant in human Trypanosoma cruzi/Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis mixed infection
Levy Yeyati, P; Bonnefoy, S; Mirkin, G; Debrabant, A; Lafon, S; Panebra, A; Gonzalez-Cappa, E; Dedet, JP; Hontebeyrie-Joskowicz, M; Levin, MJ (Immunology Letters, 1991)Summary. Five sera from Bolivian individuals chronically infected by Trypanosoma cruzi, and suffering an active Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis metastasic mucocutaneous lesion were characterized. They reacted with ... -
The relationship of blood-group type to American cutaneous leishmaniasis
Esterre, P; Dedet, JP (Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology, 1989)The association of certain human blood groups with parasites is a controversial subject. In some cases positive correlations have been demonstrated, as in schistosomiasis (Pereira et al., 1979) and giardiasis (Barnes and ...